Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I have been sewing quite a bit lately and I love creating things! I have learned a lot and there is so much more that I want to learn to do. Due to not having a craft room, every time I have something to work on I set it up on our dining room table and our kitchen island. This is what that looks like...utter chaos

of course not everything is my sewing stuff, but most of it is

So in my dream house I will have a craft room. Of course I know that my dream house with a craft room is most likely many many many years away from now but a girl can dream. Right? I am in love with these craft rooms....hopefully I will have one someday

I love organization

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend Fun

This past weekend my parents came up to visit and to blow insulation in our attic for us! Now our house will be nice and toasty this winter....thanks Dad! Landon looooves his Papa. He wants his Papa over everyone else when he is in town. Here they are watching tv, Landon has the remote which is never a good thing!

Here Landon is being sweet and cuddly

Here he is with Nana and Papa

Today after church we ate at Red Lobster. Poor Landon was thrown off by the time change plus we were eating a late lunch on top of that so he was not the happiest camper. However, when dessert came out he dug in and enjoyed a lot of chocolate.

We had a great weekend and love it when grandparents visit! Oh and I tried a new recipe yesterday by Pioneer Woman, it doesn't have a title but it's her husbands favorite sandwich. It was kind of like a philly cheese steak sandwich and it was soo yummy! Definately a keeper.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Landon was Super Landon tonight for Halloween. I'm hoping as he gets older he will enjoy playing a superhero often and that he keeps his cape forever! We went to a "Trunk or Treat" at two churches and he loved running free. It made his cape even greater! He got a lot of candy that I'm sure I will end up eating and we had a lot of fun. Yay or a successfully homemade costume, especially when I was not really sure of what I was doing! Here is everything I made for him:

The cape and wrist bands

a close up of the wrist bands

his trick or treating bag

Fun Halloween with a cute superhero! Now if only the Rangers would start winning this game...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Learning To Read

The past several years I have not read much at all. I would not even use an entire 5 fingers to count the number of books I have read from beginning to end since college. Recently, however, I read the entire Twilight Saga in a matter of weeks! They were all so entertaining it was easy for me to get through them. My sister had been telling me for quite some time that I should read them, so I did. I have to admit I very much enjoyed the time I spent reading!
Many of you may have the same story as to why you do not read much. I was forced to read so many boring text books in high school and college I grew tired of reading and quit all together. I am determined now though to expand the number of books I have read! After talking with my friend Kinsey about how we both enjoy reading, we decided to start a book club! We had our first meeting this past Monday and are currently reading The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter. We picked out 9 additional books to read through the rest of this year. I am so excited about this new hobby of mine! I made cute bookmarks for each lady in the club. I stole the idea off Etsy (my new favorite place to go), though I'm sure mine are not as well put together.

I am excited about starting to read again! It is a great way to spend my time. There are so many books out there I want to read too. Hopefully I will have plenty of time to read them all!