Monday, December 29, 2008

Boy or Girl???

So Mark and I go this Wednesday (in like 39 hours) to find out if we will be having a little girl or a little boy!!! I can not wait...I'm such a planner so I really hope we are able to find out. Knowing my luck the baby wouldn't let us see and we would never be able to find out until he or she is born. But I need to know because I have to get the nursery ready, and I need to know whether I need to use pink or blue! Mark thinks we will be having a girl, I have no idea, no inclination to what the baby will be. It's crazy to think that in two days we will be able to decide on and give our baby a name....I think it will all seem more real once we do that! So I want to know what you it a boy or a girl?
I'm kind of at that point where I should be able to feel the baby moving soon. They say with your first pregnancy you may often mistake the baby's movements for other bodily functions that are quite normal during pregnancy! Sometimes I think I feel the baby move but I have not been sure yet if it is the baby or something else! I am almost halfway there, I can't believe how quickly the days are going by. I hope it continues to go by quickly, I'm ready to have this little one here! The next time I write we will know!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Baby Bump

So last night my friend Erin that I work with up at the church came over and took pictures of Mark and I for our Christmas cards. We were sitting down for a lot of the pictures and when I was looking at them afterward I noticed that my belly looked quite a bit larger than it normally does! I mean, I have been able to tell that my belly has been growing for a while (its been many weeks now that I have had to wear my maternity pants) but last night I could really tell in the pictures. It's just so crazy...our baby is about 4 inches long now and the size of an apple! I love being able to compare our baby's size to something I can actually picture. So since I feel like I am really starting to show I thought I would show you a picture! OH..and also...hopefully we will be able to find out if we will be having a boy or girl at our next appointment....tell me what YOU think we will have! Mark thinks we will be having a girl...I have no idea.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Active Baby

Today we had an appointment with our doctor, who by the way is great! A little while after we checked in and were sitting in the waiting area a nurse came out and announced that our doctor had to run deliver a baby but that it shouldn't be that long of a wait. It wasn't, I told Mark it's crazy that you can just "run deliver a baby"! was a bit of a wait though for a short appointment. I think we saw the doctor for a total of maybe 10 minutes! We got to hear the heartbeat again!!! It is so crazy that you can hear a baby's heartbeat when they are that small! When Dr. Hajovsky was trying to find the heartbeat the baby kept moving around a lot! She had to chase it around for a little bit! So I think we will definitely have an active little one come May. Oh I can't wait!!! So that's really all the latest baby news.
Other than that we are getting ready for Christmas. So I'm all about having traditions with the family, and one I am trying to get started for us is that right after Thanksgiving we take one day to put up all of our Christmas decorations and have lots of goodies to eat and end the evening by watching a Christmas movie. It's just a great day for some good family time. So this day for us was supposed to be last Saturday but come to find out, half of our Christmas decorations were no where to be found...including the lights for our Christmas tree. We looked everywhere with no luck so we went out and bought some new lights for our tree and then I spent like 3 hours putting them on the tree. Needless to say the day did not turned out as planned because we didn't have our decorations so I gave up and went to see my friends. When I got home we plugged in the ornamentless tree and discovered that a strand of lights was no longer working. With all my efforts to fix it I went to bed feeling like a failure and with my hormones all over the place I cried. Not just a felt like the end of the world that night. I know this sounds dramatic but hey...I'm pregnant! I don't have to explain my feelings, they are what they are. So anyways, all is well now, our house looks great and we will try again next year. I love the Christmas season!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dallas Cowboys & Christmas Shopping

This past weekend Mark and I went to Dallas with our friends Jon and Andrea and their baby Riley who is 3 months old. Andrea and I surprised Mark and Jon with tickets to a Dallas Cowboys football game! They are both football fanatics, so Andrea and I have learned to like football. The other day I went to the Y to work out and they had basketball on the television and I actually wished football was on instead! If you know me, it’s surprising that I had that thought!
So anyways, we had a good weekend. Jon plays the drums for Ornan’s Floor, who is a great band by the way, and they had a weekend event in Dallas this past weekend so it worked out great! Mark hung out with the guys while Andrea, Riley and I got to do some Christmas shopping. We went to Babies R Us and I think I found a bedding set I like for if we have a boy! Oh I can’t wait to find out what we will be having, I have a hard time being patient for things like this. On Saturday we shopped for about 6 or 7 hours and only made it to 2 stores! I think we looked at every single thing in both stores! Needless to say I was worn out at the end of the day.
On Sunday we went to church with the guys and after they were done we went to drop Mark and Jon off at the Cowboys Stadium; that was crazy. There were so many people trying to get in the stadium parking lot at once, so we weren’t moving very fast. We saw a lot of people with a Cowboys jersey on in other cars, we told the guys they should go ride with one of those people but they didn’t like that idea! We got pretty close to the stadium but the traffic was moving so slow we figured it would be quicker if they just got out and walked the rest of the way. While we were moving so slowly on the highway they jumped out of the car and I jumped in the driver’s seat and Andrea, Riley and I went to do some more shopping (Riley was so good the whole time we shopped, he slept the entire time!). Mark and Jon made it in plenty of time to grab some lunch and get to their seats in time for kick-off. They said the game was great and they had good seats! The Cowboys won! It was a great day. Andrea and I did so much shopping that I think if we had bought one more thing we would have had to strap it on top of the car.
We went back to pick the guys up, and just so you know, I hate driving in Dallas. I used to think I wanted to live there….not anymore! So we call the guys to tell them we are close to the Stadium and they tell us to pull over on the highway and wait, they are going to walk to the highway and jump in the car with us. I think I scared Andrea and myself, there wasn’t a good place to pull over. I just wasn’t comfortable with the whole idea. Then after a few minutes they call us back and tell us that they are standing on the side of the highway and we need to get back on the road and drive slowly. I think they picked the worst spot in the world for us to pick them up at. They chose to wait for us right by an entrance onto the highway. The cars were not moving slowly, they were all going fast. So while all these cars are coming onto the highway, they want me to get in front of them and pull over. After thinking about not pull over and have them meet me us somewhere else, I pulled over at the last minute, I think scaring everyone again. Mark told me I timed it bad, like I can time the traffic in Dallas! I was so flustered that as soon as Mark was in the car I started to pull off, only to find out that Jon was not in the car. Sorry Jon, I’m just glad I didn’t run over you!
So anyways, all is well and we made it home safely (I didn’t drive anymore after that!). It was a great weekend with lots of laughs, which I love. I wore myself out shopping, I haven’t walked that much since I found out I was pregnant! I can’t wait for Christmas now! Our next appointment for the baby is December 3, we get to hear the heartbeat again! I can’t wait!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bring on the Turkey

Last night Mark and I went to eat with Mark's parents at their church's annual Thanksgiving dinner. It was all very good. I love this time of year and I love to eat so it works out well. After dinner Tom and Dana came over to our house and we all played Farkle. I always forget about that game but it's really a great game. You don't have to think a whole lot, it really just depends on how lucky you are! The first time Mark and I played Farkle was when I lived on Ave. M with Megan and Amy. Mark won a few games that night and ever since then he tells me he is the "Farkle King"! He's so funny. Good times with family.
Tonight our small group also had a Thanksgiving's a good thing I like turkey! It was all really good too. This is all the beginning of a lot of really great food.
So a few things that being pregnant does to me: I will be absolutely starving and feel like I'm going to die if I don't eat, and then when I have food in front of me I can't eat a whole lot before I feel totally stuffed. I guess everything is really starting to run out of room because I know I can eat. The other thing is my emotions! Poor Mark, one minute I'm fine, the next anything will make me mad, and the next I'm crying. I really hope this is all from the hormones, I don't think I'm normally like this.
Well, I guess I had better get going so I can pack for our trip to Dallas this weekend, it's going to be fun!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hello Blogger World

So my best friend Megan recently became a blogger and said I should do the same. I’m not much of a writer so we will see how this goes!
Mark and I have had some pretty exciting things happen in the last few months. We made our first HUGE purchase together…we bought a house (or are in the process of)! It’s perfect! It is a 3 bedroom 1 ½ bath with a 2 car garage. We have a great size backyard with some nice shady trees. I’m just now getting everything the way I want it. We did a lot of work on the house, almost every room is a different color which I know sounds crazy but it actually works. My mom and sister came over this last Saturday to help me finish unpacking all the boxes we had in what will be the baby’s room!
Yes, we are expecting our first baby! I am due May 28th. I wonder how close to my due date we will actually have the baby. We had our 2nd doctor’s appointment a couple of weeks ago and got to hear the heartbeat! It didn’t sound like what I thought it would sound like, but it’s amazing to hear. Some days it’s still hard to believe that there is a baby really in there, especially since I’m over the whole feeling nauseous 24/7 thing. So now we are just waiting to find out if it will be a boy or a girl…then we can start painting the nursery! You can follow how the baby is growing on my baby timer; it is pretty exciting to watch! My only major craving has been for fried okra, and sadly not many places in town have it. The other day Mark and I went to KFC thinking surely I could get some there because that’s kind of their thing, and surprisingly they do not have fried okra. The only place I know of is Golden Chick, so if anyone knows of any other place I can get some or want to make me some let me know! Well, I guess that’s about it for today…until next time.