Monday, December 29, 2008

Boy or Girl???

So Mark and I go this Wednesday (in like 39 hours) to find out if we will be having a little girl or a little boy!!! I can not wait...I'm such a planner so I really hope we are able to find out. Knowing my luck the baby wouldn't let us see and we would never be able to find out until he or she is born. But I need to know because I have to get the nursery ready, and I need to know whether I need to use pink or blue! Mark thinks we will be having a girl, I have no idea, no inclination to what the baby will be. It's crazy to think that in two days we will be able to decide on and give our baby a name....I think it will all seem more real once we do that! So I want to know what you it a boy or a girl?
I'm kind of at that point where I should be able to feel the baby moving soon. They say with your first pregnancy you may often mistake the baby's movements for other bodily functions that are quite normal during pregnancy! Sometimes I think I feel the baby move but I have not been sure yet if it is the baby or something else! I am almost halfway there, I can't believe how quickly the days are going by. I hope it continues to go by quickly, I'm ready to have this little one here! The next time I write we will know!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Baby Bump

So last night my friend Erin that I work with up at the church came over and took pictures of Mark and I for our Christmas cards. We were sitting down for a lot of the pictures and when I was looking at them afterward I noticed that my belly looked quite a bit larger than it normally does! I mean, I have been able to tell that my belly has been growing for a while (its been many weeks now that I have had to wear my maternity pants) but last night I could really tell in the pictures. It's just so crazy...our baby is about 4 inches long now and the size of an apple! I love being able to compare our baby's size to something I can actually picture. So since I feel like I am really starting to show I thought I would show you a picture! OH..and also...hopefully we will be able to find out if we will be having a boy or girl at our next appointment....tell me what YOU think we will have! Mark thinks we will be having a girl...I have no idea.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Active Baby

Today we had an appointment with our doctor, who by the way is great! A little while after we checked in and were sitting in the waiting area a nurse came out and announced that our doctor had to run deliver a baby but that it shouldn't be that long of a wait. It wasn't, I told Mark it's crazy that you can just "run deliver a baby"! was a bit of a wait though for a short appointment. I think we saw the doctor for a total of maybe 10 minutes! We got to hear the heartbeat again!!! It is so crazy that you can hear a baby's heartbeat when they are that small! When Dr. Hajovsky was trying to find the heartbeat the baby kept moving around a lot! She had to chase it around for a little bit! So I think we will definitely have an active little one come May. Oh I can't wait!!! So that's really all the latest baby news.
Other than that we are getting ready for Christmas. So I'm all about having traditions with the family, and one I am trying to get started for us is that right after Thanksgiving we take one day to put up all of our Christmas decorations and have lots of goodies to eat and end the evening by watching a Christmas movie. It's just a great day for some good family time. So this day for us was supposed to be last Saturday but come to find out, half of our Christmas decorations were no where to be found...including the lights for our Christmas tree. We looked everywhere with no luck so we went out and bought some new lights for our tree and then I spent like 3 hours putting them on the tree. Needless to say the day did not turned out as planned because we didn't have our decorations so I gave up and went to see my friends. When I got home we plugged in the ornamentless tree and discovered that a strand of lights was no longer working. With all my efforts to fix it I went to bed feeling like a failure and with my hormones all over the place I cried. Not just a felt like the end of the world that night. I know this sounds dramatic but hey...I'm pregnant! I don't have to explain my feelings, they are what they are. So anyways, all is well now, our house looks great and we will try again next year. I love the Christmas season!